In April of 2012 we launched our first U.S. fabric line with Cloud9 Fabrics. Cloud9 is Gina Pantastico and Michelle Bencsko, two young women in NJ producing organic cotton fabrics. Very much in keeping with the Emberley sensibility, high quality products to support and accompany our books!
This blog is devoted to projects using Ed Emberley fabric. You may know that my mother Barbara Emberley was a fashion design student at Mass Art when she met my father Ed Emberley, who was studying illustration. So it is natural for us to combine the two. While I chose illustration for a living, I dabbled many times in design, from textiles to costumes, home decor, just about every thing and the bottom line is - I like making things. Our whole family does. My mother taught me to sew when I was very young, but we are and always will be, very different sewers. My mother can make a complex dress pattern from brown paper, she turns out perfect french seams, her wedding dress had over 100 covered buttons stitched on by hand (in baby blue gingham silk) I, on the other hand know every short-cut there is and tend to fly through projects that are easy and satisfying. Once I learned how to make a pillow cover with an envelope fold, I never went back...What you will see on this site will be, hopefully, a balance of styles. You will see non-sew projects, sewing projects, complex projects and simple projects, so anyone, ANYONE, can use a little Ed Emberley fabric in their life! I encourage everyone to share their photo's, if you want us to post it here just message me. Happy sewing, Happy Drawing everyone, make, draw, do! - Rebecca Emberley